Important Information – Monthly ACH

  • Your monthly amount will be based on the most current half tax available.
  • Your deduction for your monthly payments will be on the 10th of the month for the following months; January–May and August–December.
  • Your auto-deduct from your bank account will serve as your receipt for payments.
  • You will receive 2 letters per year(January and June) informing you of the balance due for the half tax and what your new monthly amount will be. Taxes are always due in February and July.
  • If you should have 3 NSF(non sufficient funds) at any time we will cancel further auto-deductions from your account and you will become responsible for making your payments by the required due date. You shall also be charged an NSF fee of $5.00 per NSF. (NSF fee subject to change.)


Important Information – Semi-Annual ACH

  • Your deduction for your semi-annual payments will be one week prior to the set due date.
  • Your auto-deduct from your bank account will serve as your receipt for payments.
  • You will receive 2 letters per year (January and June) informing you of the amount due for the half tax and what day that will be deducted. Taxes are always due in February and July.
  • If you should have 3 NSF (non sufficient funds) at any time we will cancel further auto-deductions from your account and you will become responsible for making your payments by the required due date. You shall also be charged an NSF fee of $5.00 per NSF. (NSF fee subject to change.)